strscan-php is a simple string tokenizer for lexical scanning operations. It's a PHP port of strscan-js, which in turn is a JavaScript port of the Ruby library with the same name. This library assumes the mbstring extension is enabled and all strings to be UTF-8.
The recommended way to install strscan-php is through composer.
include '/path/to/StrScan/StringScanner.php';
use StrScan\StringScanner;
$s = new StringScanner("This is a test");
$s->scan("/\w+/"); # => "This"
$s->scan("/\w+/"); # => null
$s->scan("/\s+/"); # => " "
$s->scan("/\s+/"); # => null
$s->scan("/\w+/"); # => "is"
$s->hasTerminated(); # => false
$s->scan("/\s+/"); # => " "
$s->scan("/(\w+)\s+(\w+)/"); # => "a test"
$s->getMatch(); # => "a test"
$s->getCapture(0); # => "a"
$s->getCapture(1); # => "test"
$s->hasTerminated(); # => true
strscan-php is released under the MIT license.
The original strscan-js was written by Sam Stephenson.