This website will make it easier to fill out the public consultation form and gives helpful guidance. It allows to download a finished ODT document to send to the commission.
If you want to provide your own perspective, it's a matter of filling in a spreadsheet with answers for each question. You can take this spreadsheet as an example.
- The "Question" column contains the question number
- The "Option" column may contain a number (1, 2 or 3) if there is an option to fill in (choosing the first, second or third option)
- The "Answer" column may contain text that will be filled in if there is text field related to the chosen option or if it's an open question. Do not provide full answers, let users write in their own words.
- The "Explanation" column may contain an explanation to the question or the given answer that will be shown along-side it.
Contact [email protected] to be included with your answers.
The _data/questions.yml
contains the questions with text keys and language sub keys (en, de). Add your question translations there. Provide further translations for strings in _data/translations.yml
Add your translations to the head of _layouts/persona.html
Then create a document with like this:
layout: persona
language: <language code (e.g. en)>
and put it into your language folder.
The full question versions are at en/full/index.html
You can provide a translated version of a guide as well. See the available guides under _data/answers.yml
and under guides/
Postfix your guide slug with the language code: c4c_en
Install the Heroku toolbelt, create an app and add the heroku
Git remote. Then:
# Do this to explicitly define node.js as build pack
heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=
git push heroku gh-pages:master
Add the Postmark Add-On to you app, add sending signatures.
Set some environment variables:
heroku config:set [email protected]
heroku config:set "ALLOWED_DOMAIN="
CREATE TABLE submission
id serial NOT NULL,
timestamp timestamp NOT NULL,
data text NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT submission_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)