This is a Multipass CLI wrapper for Python 3.
You need Multipass to use this SDK.
Simply run:
pip install multipass-sdk
Or, to install from source:
Clone this repo:
git clone --depth=1 # or gh clone okyanusoz/multipass-sdk if you have the Github CLI installed
Then run:
python install
Usage is really simple:
from multipass import MultipassClient
client = MultipassClient()
# or client = MultipassClient("<multipass command>") if your Multipass CLI name is diffrent
# Launch a VM(uses haikunator to generate VM names if you don't specify the name)
vm = client.launch(image="ubuntu-lts")
# Get info about the VM
# Run something in the VM(returns the response back in bytes)
vm.exec("<your command here>")
# Delete the VM
# List VMs
# Get a VM Object
vm = client.get_vm("<VM name>")
# For even more commands, see
To contribute, simply send a pull request. The tests will run. If they succeed, then I will be happy to merge your PR.