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  • remove space to better align `if` clauses

    @thorjarhun thorjarhun committed May 30, 2018
  • Updated Basic Tutorial (markdown)

    Jason Goldberger committed May 12, 2018
  • Fixed `contacts-view` in `om/build-all` example.

    Jason Goldberger committed May 12, 2018
  • Add note that this tutorial is for Om, not Om Next

    @xiongtx xiongtx committed May 14, 2017
  • fix contacts-view indent because parinfer detect things wrong and that throws a error: "No implementation of method: :emit-instruction of protocol: #'cljs.core.async.impl.ioc-macros/IEmittableInstruction found for class: cljs.core.async.impl.ioc_macros.Jmp"

    @veggiemonk veggiemonk committed Nov 13, 2016
  • Revert 407178818e2a6ec118a4ad12620152668f8a6bf8...65653ebb375682f77a399fcc8969b1dd9356e25c on Basic Tutorial

    Juho Hautala committed Apr 3, 2016
  • Add missing colon

    Juho Hautala committed Apr 3, 2016
  • Improve reader documentation

    @tmcw tmcw committed Jan 30, 2016
  • Remove just & in order to

    @tmcw tmcw committed Jan 30, 2016
  • Reduce macho voice

    @tmcw tmcw committed Jan 29, 2016
  • Classes don't map properly. Without this change mapping doesn't make any effect, so we still have [...{:type :professor, :first "Hal", :last "Abelson", :email "[email protected]", :classes [:6001]}], when the expected value is [...{:type :professor, :first "Hal", :last "Abelson", :email "[email protected]", :classes ["The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"]}]

    @dra1n dra1n committed Jan 9, 2016
  • Corrected the `people` function to avoid nil array entries for non-professors. (In the Higher Order Components section)

    @bnprks bnprks committed Jan 5, 2016
  • Removed [ :as data] in the Adding Contacts section as it should not be needed.

    @Grahack Grahack committed Nov 14, 2015
  • Revert 975e0cf^...975e0cf on Basic Tutorial

    @swannodette swannodette committed Sep 5, 2015
  • Updated Basic Tutorial (markdown)

    @alanrsoares alanrsoares committed Sep 5, 2015
  • Updated Basic Tutorial (markdown)

    Munen Alain M. Lafon committed Jun 20, 2015
  • I think I spotted an anachronism

    Munen Alain M. Lafon committed Jun 9, 2015
  • Updated to match Figwheel's new version and template

    @bensu bensu committed Apr 30, 2015
  • Reverted to `defonce` and added explanation for it

    @bensu bensu committed Mar 24, 2015
  • defonce not suited for live coding as mentioned earlier

    @prathyvsh prathyvsh committed Mar 24, 2015
  • Before testing parse-contact we are asked to restart the REPL. A novice Clojure user will get a "undeclared Var" error because he's in the wrong namespace.

    @1player 1player committed Mar 13, 2015
  • Correct the "at this point looks like" code against the actual code in the template + instructions

    @sventech sventech committed Mar 7, 2015
  • Updated Basic Tutorial (markdown)

    @twashing twashing committed Mar 1, 2015
  • Link to Conceptual overview in the first paragraph; it's a good resource we should use.

    @moquist moquist committed Feb 20, 2015
  • Make fuller use of the threading macro.

    @moquist moquist committed Feb 19, 2015
  • IRender is preferable to IRenderState, since registry-view has no component-local state.

    @moquist moquist committed Feb 19, 2015
  • Change 'lein new figwheel om-tut --om' to 'lein new figwheel om-tut -- --om' as described in

    @okjulian okjulian committed Feb 14, 2015
  • Throws ArityException when passing the `--` argument

    @n2o n2o committed Feb 13, 2015
  • More lets -> let's.

    Paul Wittmann committed Feb 8, 2015
  • Fixed grammar.

    Paul Wittmann committed Feb 8, 2015