This simple RPC client is used to communicate with each other between the client and the server.
it use a duplex communication channel to send message and receive message(generalized as postMessage
and onMessage
when client invoke a method, it will send a message to host, and wait for the host to return the result.
npm install @opensumi/simple-rpc
import { RPCClient } from '@opensumi/simple-rpc';
const channel = new MessageChannel();
const c1 = new RPCClient({
postMessage: channel.port1.postMessage.bind(channel.port1),
onMessage: (cb) => {
channel.port1.on('message', cb);
const c2 = new RPCClient({
postMessage: channel.port2.postMessage.bind(channel.port2),
onMessage: (cb) => {
channel.port2.on('message', cb);