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Darwin Del Castillo ddelcastillof
R, STATA, and Python | Epidemiology and data science

Seattle, WA

Millie millie-z

Cambridge, MA -> Oxford, UK

Mariane Furtado MarianeFurtado
PhD in Epidemiology at USP; MSc. and BA in Economics at UFPel

Imperial College London United Kingdom

Eric Harshfield eharshf

University of Cambridge United Kingdom

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Arun KS ArunKS47

University of Bristol Bristol

Jen Dykxhoorn lovelyoutliers
Psychiatric epidemiologist | Associate Professor @ UCL
Yueying Li FearlessNewbie

University of Bristol

Zhen Lu Leslie-Lu
Walk with the master

SYSU Shanghai, China

Lela dgreen66
Committed to these programs and learning, growing professionally. Ultimate aspirations are to do great things, stay down, have a very classy, comfy wardrobe

South Carolina, USA

Batool Almarzouq BatoolMM
Ph.D. in Biochemistry. Experience in cancer bioinformatics, RNA-Seq, network biology, pathway enrichment, and integrated –omics analyses, Docker, HPC (She/her).

University of Liverpool, Alan Turing Institute Liverpool, UK

David Selby Selbosh
Senior researcher at German Artificial Intelligence Research Centre (DFKI) and RPTU. Formerly University of Manchester, University of Warwick

DFKI Kaiserslautern, Germany

Guglielmo Cerri GuglielmoCerri
Senior Data scientist

Avvale Italy

Linda Wijlaars LWijlaars
Epidemiologist working with administrative data on vulnerable children and families. Coding in Stata/R/MySQL
Haroon Chughtai HChughtai
Senior Research Software Engineer - @UCL-ARC | Part-time PhD Student - @UCL-QIG

@UCL London

Tania Allard trallard
✨ Director @Quansight-Labs 👩🏻‍💻Research Software/MLOps ⭐ Passionate about open source and community building

@Quansight-Labs Manchester, UK

Haiping Lu haipinglu
Director of the UK Open Multimodal AI Network, Professor of Machine Learning, and Head of AI Research Engineering

The University of Sheffield Sheffield, UK

Alba Fernández-Sanlés, PhD albafsanles
PhD in Biomedicine by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain). Postdoc at the MRC IEU (University of Bristol, UK). Research fellow at the MRC LHA unit (UCL, UK)

MRC LHA unit at University College London London

Fionna Chalmers fionnachalmers
Health Data Scientist ✨ RStats ✨Data Visualisation ✨ Machine Learning ✨ Shiny ✨


Mauricio A. Álvarez maalvarezl
Senior Lecturer in Machine Learning, Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, UK

University of Manchester Manchester, UK

Ashley Akbari AshleyAkbari
Associate Professor Population Data Science Research - Swansea University

Swansea University Swansea

John Dennis johnmdennis
Epidemiologist / Statistician. University of Exeter Research Fellow

Exeter. UK

Mehrdad Mizani mehrdadmzn
Informaticist, Heath data Science, Cloud computing, Cybersecurity, Privacy protection, Multi-disciplinary research

BHF Data Science Centre, HDR UK London, England

Nina Zhang Nininn
I have thematic interests in many aspects of computational social science, data science and statistical methods and spatial modelling.