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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


신진섭 ShinJinSeob
Korea University Statistics 21st _____ BITAmin 13rd _____ BOZA 24th
Doyoon Kim doyoom

Ewha Womans University, Majoring in Computer Science Seoul, South Korea

Daino DainoJung
I view the world through data 👨‍💻

Nomadmap Korean

JaehyeokSim simson0524

Korea Aerospace University Korea

Yoon_Wang_Gyu yoonwanggyu

DANKOOK.Unvi Seoul, South Korea

심현석 HyeonseokSim

건국대학교 서울

김동환 forwarder1121

Konkuk.univ CSE Seoul, Korea

haeun161 haeun161
전공: 지식공과대학 컴퓨터공학과, 복수전공: AI융합학부 AI 학과

Sungshin Women's University South Korea

min_cloud miining

Konkuk.Univ Seoul, Korea

CHOI_JEE_HYUK StatisticsFox

Kyonggi Univ. | @BOAZ-BIGDATA Korea, Seoul

김한수(Hansu Kim) mokhs00
Software Engineer

@banksalad | @AUSG @BOAZ-bigdata Seoul

Junhyuk Kwon tree-jhk

POSTECH ML lab Pohang, South Korea

Sangjin Han eu2525
Kyung-Hee university, Software Convergence

Kyung-Hee university Seoul, Korea

Seongjun Yun muk-jjang

KHU IE & SWCON Korea, Seoul


Seoul, South Korea

Gangmin Jeong lastdancewithyou
데이터 공부 열심히 하고 있습니다.

School of Industrial and Management Engineering, Korea University Seongbuk-gu, Seoul

Hwang Jaesung HwangIsAce
LLMops | Chatbot | diabetes meal recommendation
humble_ego youngmin9
�Act up to your belief and ego, but always be humble *All projects in Private


Juyeon Kim JYKim1124

Ewha Womans University Seoul

서재은 JaeEunSeo

Hongik University Seoul

Ha Jun Yoo HaJunYoo
Hope to be good SW engineer

aswemake Seoul