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eg canering

Tampa, FL

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Rnz Brngn (zxreign) zorenkonte

TigerGraphics Inc. Philippines

Dwight Thorpe MrDay2Day

Day2Day Media and Entertainment Group Jamaica

Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Chinonso chinonsoalexa
Golang Backend Developer skilled in designing, deploying, and maintaining cloud-native apps with a passion for writing clean, scalable code...

Payuee :

Douglas dinhosang
Software Developer
Christopher Carvalho carvalhochris
Founder of Songcards: Listen. Discover. Collect.

Songcards London

Zine Eddine Zinoujoker
Algerian 🇩🇿 Gaming 🎮 & Tech Enthusiast 🧑‍💻


William Tan tankwong
I have a mentor in life. Do you?

MinIO Singapore

Jeferson Vieira JefersonVM
Bacharel em Engenharia de Computação, estudante de Desenvolvimento Web Full Stack e apaixonado por tecnologia.

@cubos-academy São Paulo, São Paulo Brasil

Ryan Young LoadingStill
I am a computer hobbiest who runs the and websites. My goal is to offer free computer education.
Mhyrarah Mhyrarah
Hi. I'm Mhyrarah!
Arnav Garg DorkCubed
Learning and growing
Erik Roth ErikSRoth

@RLTechsLLC Idaho, USA

Geoff Myers geoffmyers
President + CEO of SimDex LLC

SimDex LLC Saint Paul, Minnesota

Benjamin Ritter l0wl3vel
Site Reliability Engineer working on Managed Databases @stackitcloud

STACKIT Augsburg, Germany

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Josh Joshfindit
If you're not trying to create work you're proud of, then what are you doing?
Lloyd Woodham lloydwoodham
Research Associate in the Space & Atmospheric Physics Group at Imperial College London, exploring the evolution and dynamics of the solar wind plasma.

Imperial College London London, UK