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david balkcom si-software-lab
siUtils - semantic interoperability

quality measurement group lehi, utah

Robin C. Hoffpauir RobinCHoffpauir
My coding journey didn't start the 'traditional' route of a obtaining a computer science degree with an internship out of college. Instead, after playing baseba

ParlayKing LTD. Ft.Walton Beach, FL

Alec Wilson alechash
Open Source enthusiast.

@verbuise Dayton, OH

Ben Ballard ballard11
Data Scientist MSDS at UVA


Bill Radjewski BlueSCar
Enterprise Architect at Myriad Genetics and maintainer of

Cincinnati, OH

Greg Peter gregpeter33
Software Engineer, Directions @mapbox

Raleigh, NC

Catalin GUIMess
whoIAm = {'Software Engineer', 'Tinkerer', 'Maker'};

@100Devs Wichita, Kansas

Web3, Crypto, Web and App Development react-native / React

Web Solutions Salt Lake City, UT. USA

Tom Holden tholden
All views are my own personal opinions and do not reflect the opinion of the Bundesbank, the Eurosystem, or its staff.

Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Tyler Shepherd TylerShep
Data Analyst | SQL, Python, R, ML/NLP

Lehi, UT

Product Manager and junior programmer!
Maurice Barnett r3cebarnett
Computer Engineering B.S. 2020, M.S. 2021 Clemson University
Rick F riFaulkner
Colorado State University graduate 2016 Computer Information Systems. Fullstack engineer at Quizlet. Micro services, Spring, EDA. Just nerding out


Joel Kendall thecrownjoel
I wonder how much code on Github ChatGPT is responsible for ? 😆 🤣 focus: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Python, Sqlite, ML / AI.

45Press Canfield, OH

Kyle Bennison kylebennison
WIP Data Scientist for Staturdays - exploring R, tidyverse, and Shiny for COVID-19, college football data, peloton, and now F1.



Bloomington, IN

Brooks Brasfield brasfb
Law Student. Might as well learn about coding & AI, right?

Nashville, Tennessee

Dan Kelly dpk5e7

DCMA Morrison, CO

Eli Kastelein elikastelein
Analytics Engineer

Vancouver, Canada

Neville Aga CiscoNeville
Owner of and (past) owner of

@CiscoSystems Norman, OK

Taylor Barron taylor-barron
Full stack React developer. Also skilled in Java and Python.

Malibu Jack's Lexington, KY

Heath Robinson heathlarsson
Interested in systems neuro/learning and memory/hippocampus-cortical systems
Michael Nishizawa mnishizawa

@FortitudeSolutions Michigan