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Marco Fekry MarcoFekry
Multi-Cloud Architect \ Consultant 🌐| Cybersecurity Cloud Architect 🔒| Service Delivery Manager | RoboMate Cloud Automation Developer and Owner


Ernest Emmanuel Utibe ernest-emmanuel-utibe
Hello, my name is Ernest. I am delighted to have this opportunity to show my workings.

Lagos, Nigeria

执着 expzhizhuo
Chris O. ogalo-chris
IT Support Engineer | DevOps.


Stoyan Stoyanov stoyanoff

Pobeda, Pleven, Bulgaria

Erzha erzhae

@PrimaKu Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Mati Peralta matiperalta
Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military | Building scalable and reliable tech to fight online a the rebels | distributed systems and lightsabers 🐳
Roushan Verma roushanverma123
Software Engineer, Loves to build and Solve Problems.

Infosys Ltd. Bangalore

Ayadi Mohamed ayadi-mohamed
Kubernetes | Cloud | ACE - GCP | RHEL | CTF Player @ SOter14 | Networking Engineering Student
Aliouche Ahouab ahouab
Cloud Services Solutions

Walter Assets Lyon, France

Michael Trip MichaelTrip
Open Source Consultant @ AT Computing | Ansible | Kubernetes | Cloud Native | Red Hat | Debian and others

AT Computing Apeldoorn

Meissa (Papi) Mbaye PapiHack
Software & DevOps Engineer || FullStack Developer || CyberSecurity Enthusiast || Package Maintainer || Computer Scientist & Tech Lover

Dakar, Senegal

Zachary Gonzales zacharyrgonzales
Senior Site Reliability Engineer

United States

Carol Valencia krol3
Open-source enthusiast / CKA / CKAD

krolCloud Brazil

Jon Seager jnsgruk
A {linux,cloud,coffee,car,bike} geek. VP Engineering at @canonical

@canonical Bristol, UK

Alex Jones AlexsJones
Principal Engineer @aws Bluesky:

AWS London