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Cats, numbers and coffee


Sara Sousi SaraSousi

Imperial College London London

mellogwayo Mellogwayo
Data Scientist ✨| Social, financial, economic data 📊 | Python, R, Tableau, SQL 👩🏿‍💻|Using data to create innovative tools 🚀

Colchester, United Kingdom

Sandra Aravind Areekal sa-areekal
Post-doctoral fellow

University of Exeter United Kingdom

AlexZ33 NanJing

Martin Vu mhuyvu
Health Economist @ Queen Mary University of London | Honorary @ University of Melbourne

Queen Mary University of London London, UK

Aaron Gorman aarong1
data engineer in government (health, justice and energy), climate and telecoms


Matt Dray matt-dray
#RStats #PublicSector #AlmondCroissants

UK public sector London, UK

Ruby Nicholls RubyNixx
Senior Analyst at @nhsengland. Coffee+oatmilk+2xsugars. Calisthenics, yoga & piano, else I'm coding like its myspace 2001.


Pablo Leon Pablo-source
Data analyst working in the NHS. I like to explore data using R and Python. Interested in learning predictive analytics and data modelling

NHS London

Felipe Silva amorimdub

@meduza-digital Dublin, Ireland

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Zahid Abedin zahid-abedin
Senior Analyst

@nhsengland Reading

Andy Wilson ASW-Analyst

@NHS-Transformation-Unit NHS Transformation Unit Manchester, UK

Sean Greaves ribenamaplesyrup

The Autonomy Institute London

Salamati healthtools
My name is Salamati and I am a health specialist. With 5 years of experience in the field of physical and mental health
Linux System Administrator, PHP, MySQL, Python/JupyterLab/JupyterNotebook, W32 Malware Analyst.

HanyaJasa Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia

Sammi Rosser Bergam0t
Trainer on the HSMA Programme || MSc Health Data Science || Python, R, SQL, Javascript || Streamlit, Django, React

University of Exeter Devon

Chaeyoon chaeyoonyunakim
Data Scientist

NHS England London, UK

Elizabeth Fisher DrEFisher
Senior Fellow Nuffield Trust.

Nuffield Trust

Anna Head annalhead
I am a Research Associate in Public Health at the University of Liverpool. This github contains the code for my PhD work on multimorbidity.
Malgorzata Szeszo mszeszo
Data analytics | Python |SQL | Excel | R | Tableau | Snowlake | Microsoft Fabric |



Chesterfield UK

Roberto Villegas-Diaz villegar
Plant-powered 🌱 data enthusiast

University of Liverpool | @groundswelluk United Kingdom

Steph Kerr stephkerr
Advanced Business Intelligence Analyst

Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Joseph Lam Jo-Lam
Data Scientist, Mental Health Researcher, Psychiatric Epidemiology

University College London London

candy_PHAN phantranngoc
a curious mind with data