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Nuremberg, Germany

Leon thedevleon
Embedded (Software & Hardware) and Machine Learning Engineer, with a focus on IoT and TinyML. Skilled in C, Rust, PCB Design, CAD, Python, ML and Edge AI

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Аλέξιος alimovlex
Mobile C/C++ developer & Linux zealot.

RecompileMe Metaverse

Asheque M Zaidi zaidiash

Infineon Technologies AG Munich

Francesco Bonacina GitFranzHub

Infineon Technologies Italia s.r.l.

Oran whr1241
Be a better man

South China Normal University Guangzhou

Jin Yule Goldfish9901-2
Studying computer science in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology.

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

Alex C. lx-ifx

@Infineon Dresden, Germany