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Martial Mancip mmancip
I am is a french research engineer from CNRS. I am PhD in Applied Mathematics, I have worked seven years with the climate French Institut IPSL and now in MDLS.

CNRS / Maison de la simulation DIGITEO Saclay

Lucas Barbier lukbrb
Ingénieur en Calcul Scientifique


Noé Breton NoeBrt
22 years old student at EFREI paris. Edge AI Engineer. Still like Game Programming tho

EFREI, Floware Paris, France

moletteremi rbourgeois33
Rémi Bourgeois Researcher / Engineer @ CEA Contact: [email protected]


Jean-Marc LUDE LuJeMa
PhD Student. Computational physics. Atomique simulation/Theory of liquid state/Quantum physics/Density functional theory.

CEA/MDLS/ENS Saclay/Paris

Benoit Martin benoitmartin88

@Maison-de-la-Simulation Paris, France

Sébastien Mestrallet sebmestrallet
Making digital technologies more understandable

Self-employed Palaiseau, France

Fix M. fm16191
PhD Student in HPC, FPGAs.


PhD Student in High Performance Computing

Maison de la Simulation France

yushan wang Yushan-Wang


Julien Bigot jbigot
CEA research scientist at @Maison-de-la-Simulation. HPC software engineering expert, @pdidev & @CExA-project leader, ...

@Maison-de-la-Simulation Paris, France

Thomas Padioleau tpadioleau
HPC engineer

@Maison-de-la-Simulation France