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Marcel Nageler fanosta
PhD Candidate at Graz University of Technology


Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Anthony Vadala AnthonyVadala
Router Resetter && VHS Dubber && Video Game Enjoyer && Tabletop GM && Tea Drinker && They/Them

Pennsylvania, USA

Kim Jansen ZL4KJ
Software Engineer (C++, C#, .NET, Blazor, ASP.NET), Embedded Firmware Engineer (PIC, AVR, SAM, ARM), Electronics Tech, I.T Solutions Engineer. Radio Operator

Invercargill, New Zealand

Isaac Sutor isaacsutor
Machine Learning Engineer

Fairfax, VA

Leonardo Azenha Azenha

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

phY pwnyprod
Unusual creative PHP-Developer. Also know other Programming-Languages as well.

@lekkerland SE Düsseldorf

Stephen Stick Hazen kcits Visalia, CA

Caden Maxwell CadenMax

Australia, Brisbane

Joan GE j6e
Senior Data Scientist at Exponentia (Valencia, Spain).

Science4Tech Valencia, ES

Bob Holt bobholt
Staff Software Engineer

Splice Peterborough, NH

Jerome Francoisse JeromeFr
Consulting Solution Architect | A-Team @oracle

@Oracle Brussels

Jared Aiden Wolf jaredaidenwolf
Full-Stack Software Engineer

@SwiftkickWeb Western MA

Jason Warren JasonWarrenUK
Neurodivergent Anarchosocialist Loudmouth // Hyperfocus + Medication = Suddenly Learning to Code // Today basic HTML, tomorrow the world

@foundersandcoders Apprentice • Alumnus [ @FAC29A, @fac30 ] London, UK

Dave Lovell dave-lovell
R stuff (dashboards/shiny/data-viz/descriptive stats). Currently full time @ Church Army in Sheffield, UK.

Church Army Sheffield, UK

internet_wizard internetwiz4rd
hi i'm stell and i love computers because they make me feel like a retrofuturistic space wizard :)


Pepijn Kooij pwkooij

UNESP - Rio Claro