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Zhu Jun Mr-ZhuJun
I am a student. I enjoy playing table tennis and basketball, which help me stay active and teach me teamwork. I also love coding and am particularly interested.
Zhiqiang Jian flztiii

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Fan fantastic8124

Shanghai, China.

Hojung Jung hjjung-katech
Principal researcher at KATECH. Ex-developer of automated driving R&D from Toyota(TMC) & Woven Core(Woven by Toyota)


Jimmy Peng JimmyPang02
PhD student in AI at ZJU.

Zhejiang University|Shanghai AI Lab|SII ShangHai, China

Mengzhao Chen ChenMnZ

HKU-MMLab Hong Kong

Xiaosong Jia jiaxiaosong1002
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China

Hongyang Li hli2020
Research Scientist @OpenDriveLab. A surfer in the vision ocean.

OpenDriveLab Shanghai

Bin Xu Xubbbb
🤡 Senior undergraduate & incoming PhD student at Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems @SJTU-IPADS , Shanghai Jiao Tong University @SJTU-SE

Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai

Jong-Jin Won wjean96

Vehicle Intelligence Lab,Kookmin Univ. Seoul, South Korea

Abidoye Anuoluwapo Anuoluwapo65
An undegraduate student with a research focus and interest in deep learning and clinical natural language processing

obafemi awolowo university ile ife

yangfengzzz yangfengzzz
GPGPU, Graphics and Simulation


Rafal W. kenorb

R3 London

Peter Cao petercao
Lan Makoq
Do something creative.

@bytedance Beijing, China

Lingbo Meng lingbomeng
Computer Vision / SLAM

Hangzhou, China

MJ maxQterminal
I ❤️ open-source

pale blue dot

Cyril Nelli weifengfrozen
As a passionate coding enthusiast, I, Cyril, excel in Python, Java, and C++. I eagerly participate in competitions and aspire to make an impact in the world.
wuhongsheng wuhongsheng


GUI Linhai glhwork

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen || HK

Postgraduate of UCAS.

UCAS Beijing