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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Sahar Maleki kiwi saharlynds
AI student.


Qian Cao Aman-4-Real

Renmin University of China Beijing, China

Sandeep Chatterjee SandeepChatterjee66
I am here to learn new things

University of Delhi Delhi

isspek isspek
Scientific researcher #machinelearning #datascience #nlproc

UPV, @DW-ReCo Koblenz, Germany

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Rebecca Pattichis rpattichis
UCLA M.S. in CS, DeepMind Fellow Stanford B.S. w/ Honors in CS

Los Angeles, CA

Fabrice Harel-Canada fabriceyhc

UCLA Los Angeles, CA

Yi-Fan Lu Lyfralston
A student at Beijing Institution of Technology

Beijing Institution of Technology Haidian, Beijing

Xueqing Wu shirley-wu
PhD student at UCLA
Hanlin Wang WangHanLinHenry
PhD student@PolyU

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong

Chi Tran baochi0212
sleep multimodal

@VinAIResearch Hanoi, Vietnam

SeptRan process-cxr
Undergraduate student at SJTU, Graduate student at UCAS/ISCAS
James JamesQian11
Size The Day!!

Fudan University Shanghai

Wenbo Hu gordonhu608
Master CS student @ucla

UCLA Los Angeles

Yan YanJiangJerry
Deep Learning at UQ

UQ Qingdao

Ruoxi Ning ruoxining
UWaterloo PhD @compling-wat | ZJU 24' Undergrad | WestlakeNLP Intern(ed). CompLing, NLP.

University of Waterloo

Yuxuan Lu powerlyx
student of GuangZhou University

GuangZhou University guangzhou

Manan Sharma manan-s
Googling @ Google Research

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Tianhao Fu TianhaoFu
Quant Researcher/Trader, Finance AGI

Peking University

feidedao feidedao
我的微信 feidedaoRobot
Mohsen Fayyaz mohsenfayyaz

University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles

Ziyuan Zhuang NIL-zhuang

Nanjing University China

Harshita Khandelwal tenzu15

Los Angeles, California

Haoyi Qiu haoyiq114
UCLA CS PhD Student
Po-Nien Kung billkunghappy
First year Ph.D. student at UCLA.
Tanmay Parekh TanmayParekh
Third Year PhD Student at UCLA
YuZhao Yuz998

FZU Shanghai

Yijia Shao shaoyijia

Stanford University Stanford, CA