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Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

haeun161 haeun161
전공: 지식공과대학 컴퓨터공학과, 복수전공: AI융합학부 AI 학과

Sungshin Women's University South Korea

염지현 yeomja99

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Wonsuk Yang WonsukYang

University of Oxford Oxford, UK

Jae-Jun Lee johnjaejunlee95
Interests: Multimodal Learning, Meta Learning, Generalization

Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology (UNIST)

SeongWooChoi nuatmochoi
Bet on the impossible 🚀

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Inseo Lee Devlee247
AI Research Engineer

Seoul National University Seoul, South Korea

SYKwak sychanmul
Biostatistician working in Korea
I'm not good enough, but I want to make a better world.
JIHONG GIL jhgil92
Data Analyst at Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd

Korea Investment & Securities Co., Ltd Seoul

kjin kjinengineer
Frontend Engineer

Seoul, Republic of Korea

Seongjun Yun muk-jjang

KHU IE & SWCON Korea, Seoul

Suyeon Cha cha-suyeon
AI Engineer

Soosung Engineering Seoul

Lee Jinmo morcellinus
Data and AI Driven Efficiency Lover

NH Investments & Securities Seoul

Yoon Doyoung DoyoungYoon
AI Researcher, Engineer

NEXON KOREA, Intelligence Labs South Korea

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kunho Kim Soulmates2
Visual AI Researcher

Seongnam, South Korea