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Daniel Schmidt KuribohS
Student at Freie Universität Berlin (Computer Science)

scout24 Berlin, Germany

Anu Varghese AnuVargheseBen
Experienced Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry.

Berlin, Germany

Enian EnXan
Love to code 💻. Student in the fourth semester of applied computer science.


Jürgen Schmidt donjue
... formerly known as GitHub user juschmidt

ImmobilienScout24 Berlin

Rebecca Badner rbadner
Multilingual gregarious data scientist experienced in international education with a passion for Natural Language Processing, Python and predictive modeling
Sumanth Badadal sumanth712bs
Engineer | Programmer

@Scout24 Berlin

Ioan Lucut ioanlucut
Tech Lead (Full-Stack)


Isabella Angerer iangerer
Testing, Testing, Testing
Jonathan Häberle dreampulse
Fullstack Web-Developer Freelancer

Ulm, Germany

Michael J. Zoidl michaelzoidl
Fulltime JS/Node developer

Co-Founder @alm-engineering Germany, Munich

Anita Włosek anitawlosek

Objectivity Wrocław

Anton Zeltser toshkaexe
Master of Science in Computer Science of Technical University Darmstadt. Software Developer, Java, JS, React, Machine Learning
Tamara Antonella Ita Tamara-Sennin
Brave coders, join me in our quest against bug shadows and code tangles. Together we will forge clean, elegant code, turning chaos into digital artistry!

ImmobilienScout24 Berlin


@AUT-Data-Group Brussels

Christopher Mäuer chmaeuer
28 | Berlin, Germany | 🏳️‍🌈 | Full-Stack Engineer @ Scout24 Group

@dotManaged Berlin

Damian Naglak naslakboss
🔹 Full Stack Engineer | 5+ yrs in Web, Big Data & Mobile Dev 🔹 TypeScript, NodeJS, Python, React, Flutter, AWS, Terraform
Joy Hu joyhumin
A lifelong learner who addicted to digital world.

Berlin, Germany