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JSDu JamesBonddu
To be a better man!
Amine Med REMMACHE amineRemmache
DevOps, Network & Software Engineer.
James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Jamie jamiemarkwhite
Checking my contributions? Most of our stuff is still on GitLab 🤷‍♂️


WongSpark WongSpark

JiNan Pictograph Technology Company JiNan

Phan Quang Hùng phanquanghung
Founding Engineer at Convergent AI

Convergent AI Vietnam

TJKD liupucn

2722290579 北京市朝阳区

Philipp Bontemps ephb
Unreal, Unity & .NET Enthusiast

VRTX Labs GmbH Hanover, Germany

Adam Erickson admercs
Founder of @nervosys; Early co-founder of Wingcopter; Pioneer of AI for Earth science, hybrid AI land models. Where Software <> Hardware.

@nervosys Earth

jackxiong jack1582

Tencent shenzhen

Simon Norman ZhymonNorman
Unreal Engine || DevOps || Web

@swarm-creative North Carolina, USA

Xceno Xceno
VR Adventurer and recovering fullstack dev. Slinging @clojure parens and wrangling Unreal Engine. Linux enthusiast. Currently learning @ziglang.


David Guo Toplife


Maxym MAXvisual444

Avilonproduction WA/USA

Yeontae Kim enzoi
iOS developer...building user-friendly mobile applications to connect various THINGs - sensors, places, and people for urban innovation.

San Francisco, California

Berkan Uslu berkanuslu
Software Engineer = {C++, C#, Unreal Engine, HLSL, RDG, Vulkan API, GLSL, GPU, Python, DevOps, Kubernetes, Docker}

@KongsbergMaritime Oslo, Norway