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Anis Lounis AnixPasBesoin
I turn bugs (🐞) into features (🚀) one gadget (🤖) at a time... YKWIM 😜
Keven Imbeault KevenImbeault
Computer science student. Does different projects to apply concepts seen in class.

Province de Québec / Province of Quebec, Canada


Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke, Canada

Junior cybersecurity engineer


Nicolas Boulet Zorkyx22
Software Engineer developed and tested in Québec City. Some say he is still learning to this day...
French Canadian developer 🇨🇦

WaifuWare Inc. Quebec, Canada

Maxime Beauchamp Octomany

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Lucas Guichard GuicLuca
Network game developer

Konekan Chicoutimi

Jeanne Mas jeannemas
Enjoying a warm ☕

Montréal, Québec, Canada

Cloé Dutil CloeD
Software engineering student, artist and scientific vulgarizator with interests in hardware, BCI, robots and healthcare technologie

École de technologie supérieure

Frequency of Bachelor/BSc in INFORMATICS Engineering @ University of Minho & Portuguese Open University.


Sébastien Parent sebdoc
Network management

cégep saint-jean saint-jean

Mattéo Delabre matteodelabre
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science, passionate about teaching, free software, linguistics and typography.

Université de Montréal, Canada Montréal, QC