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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Mohamed Abuella mhdella
An electrical engineer interested in energy analytics for modernizing the electric grid. Also, fascinated by renewable energy.

UNC Charlotte United States

Sandeep Chatterjee SandeepChatterjee66
I am here to learn new things

University of Delhi Delhi

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Do Xuan Long dxlong2000

National University of Singapore

Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

Sahajpreet Singh sahajps
CS PhD student at NUS School of Computing || I work in hate-speech, biases, fact-checking, comp politics

National University of Singapore Singapore

Tianyi lithops-zty
Undergraduate Computer Science student in National University of Singapore. Interested in NLP. Currently researching in LLM-generated code-mixed corpus


Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Dineth Jayakody dineth99-bit
Electrical and Information Engineering undergraduate | Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning | Electronics | Research Student

Faculty of Engineering University of Ruhuna

Lucas Vinh Tran lucasvinhtran

@jpmorganchase | ex-@Apple London, UK

Mahimai Raja mahimairaja
Currently taking projects for April 2025

Nanyang Technological University Singapore

Dennis thummd
PhD @ National University of Singapore

National University of Singapore Singapore

Zheyu Li Peter-Lee-67
student of Tongji University

Tongji University

Mahesh Budavarapu budavarapu
Engineer working on LTE/5G/AI Passionate on applying signal processing techniques to solve real world problems

Radisys India Private Limited India, Bangalore

Xunyi Jiang JiangXunyi
I am a graduate student of University of California, San Diego
Copninixh copninixh
The normal one INFJ, walk on with hope in your heart

@AeraX-Valley Bangkok, Thailand

Jing Xuan Solaireis
21 | NYP alumni | SMU undergrad

Singapore ❄️

Damn time


Riaz Hussain riazlaghari
Lecturer in English

Islamabad School Of Excellence Islamabad,Pakistan

Kokil Jaidka kj2013
Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore
Adeshina Alani deploy15
Session Data Scientist, Information System Architect and Machine Learning Evangelist. My Experience cut across Technology and business space.
Data Scientist working in Singapore
Vatsalya Agarwal vatsalya1103

National University Of Singapore Singapore

Zhuoran Jin jinzhuoran

NEU & CASIA Beijing

Xiao XU LooperXX
Xiao Xu, Ph.D. Student in Harbin Institute of Technology @HIT-SCIR.

Harbin Institute of Technology China

feng lui fenglui

chuanliu Shanghai

Lorenzo Campoli lkampoli
Research Fellow @unimelb

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

Scarlett XU scarlettwwx
CS master student @mcgill

McGill University Canada

Qiushi QiushiSun
Ph.D. student at HKU

The University of Hong Kong Singapore ⇌ Shanghai ⇌ Hong Kong

Liu Chenyang lemon-little
I'm from Northeast University of China,Love open source learning

NEU China China

Shiva Karthick shiva-karthick
NUS Electrical Engineering, Swift and Python "25 - C programming expert - Working on a paper to be published at IEEE CASS

@NUS-Rover-Team National University Of Singapore Singapore