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Mahesh Shantaram thecont1
documentary photographer now interested in data for the public good γ‹‘ man of the world living rent-free in a vscode workspace γ‹‘ data scientist in the making

Bangalore, India

Rizwan rizwansammo
Faith over Fear.

BRAC University Bangladesh

Alberto Regalado BertsLifee California

Zejian Lei ricklei2777
As a member of Hunan Applied Technology University, I hope to join the Github Community.

Association for Computing Machinery Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

KRISHNA K krishna-kudari
I caught fireπŸ”₯ coding

Bengaluru ,India

Giocoliere giocoliere
I'm working at the @creepercraftnet / @otakuforge & @creeperhub projects. "A human..i guess"

@creeperhub & @otakuforge Europe

Kenzel Kache Verborge KKVerborge
DEV FRONT-END e Design GrΓ‘fica
Chiso raeeceip

Carleton University Ottawa

Clovis de Melo clovis-de-melo
Front-End Developer (AEM, Drupal, WordPress, HTML, CSS, JS, React)


jQuery || React || React Native || Next JS|| Vue JS || Frontend Web App Developer || Express JS Pakistan

Xiangchen Tian Integer003

Tsinghua University Beijing, China

@ccf19881030 ccf19881030
stay hungry, stay foolish

YBU Shanghai,China

Jay yeonkim1213
University of Utah 24 Computer Science

Salt Lake City

Kira Pracht prachtkira
Data & Process Analyst

Siegen - Germany

Peleg Pp ./* Polizzotto
Dr. Engineer developer-student | non-profit

@sellernote Seoul, Korea

Matt Haltom matthaltom

Another Color Inc. Boulder, CO

Giuseppe Vecchio giuvecchio
Research Scientist @ Adobe Research, turning caffeine into generative models.

Adobe Lyon, France

Firas Muhammed masterfiras101
Laravel | Vuejs | Inertiajs | PHP | Flutter
