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Embret Roås Embretr
Student of Computer Science at NTNU(Institute of Computer Science and Informatics)


Sylvia Yung SylviaSWYung
Degree in Cell & Molecular Biology, now advancing studies in Computer Science at NTNU
Anam Amer anamamer
Computer science student!
Jo Gramnæs Tjernshaugen jotjern

Store norske leksikon Trondheim, Norway

Mads Hermansen madshermansen
M. Sc. Informatics Student at NTNU


Markus A. R. Johansen MarkusJohansen
BSc in computer science - NTNU 🧑‍🎓 Dev @consigli-labs 🏗️

Consigli Labs Trondheim

Julian Ammouche Ottosen julian-ao
M.Sc. Informatics Student at NTNU

ssesh Norway: Trondheim & Oslo

Martin Skatvedt MartinSkatvedt

Junior Consulting Trondheim, Norway