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Michelle mpatrickUH
Ph.D. EE

University of Houston Houston, Texas

Umut Kerem UmutKeremOzen
___________quick, quite, quality___________ if there is a way, there is a must. therefore, you must live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension

Science & Art Center of Antalya Antalya, Turkey

Parth Sharma parthshr370
Data Science Undergrad'26 🖥️ | Open Source enthusiast 🐙 | Python & ML | Blogging ✏️


Lo7ong Lo7ong

22°30′06″N 113°54′28″E

Sun, Qiang hisunjiang
Studying how brain interacts with machines.

KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium

Diellor Basha DiellorBasha

McGill University Montreal, Canada

Harshal Shende HarshalShende
💻Full Stack Developer at TechDev36 🔭Social Media Manager 🎯 Web Developer & Android, ios Developer | Freelancer


Arinjoy Pramanik EchoCoder1729
BE CSE @ Jadavpur University

Jadavpur University India

Takfarinas MEDANI tmedani
PhD Electrical Engineering, Modeling & Biomedical Engineering

ESPCI France

Chinmay Chinara chinmaychinara91
Just love to Code

USC Los Angeles

PhD candidate in Neural Engineering.

SJTU Shanghai, China

Stanislav Mikhailov xavetar
They have been lying to you since childhood because they didn't know the truth themselves, the system has made them believe something that doesn't exist.

Xavetar Inc. Milky Way


Central Conservatory of Music Beijing

Amit Jaiswal neurosignal
MEG application scientist @megin

MEGIN & Aalto University Helsinki

Simon Leung INFINITE-LIGHT-168
doctoral candidate in SIMIT CAS, interested in the complex science


Qi shengjie qishengjie9
A student pursuing a PhD degree at Beihang University. My reseach interest focus on OPM calibration and MEG study.

Beihang university Beijing China

William Mullins Wildbillhickok
6 foot tall , bright blue eyes Santa monica

hubandad hubandad

Neuracle China

Harry Muzart Harry-Muzart
MNT. KCL. UCL. Interested in PhD+Job in Comput Cogn Neurobiosci & DeepMachineLearning :-) . If you want to collab, let me know, but I may be v busy!, London / Kent (UK)

// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio

Paris, France

Raymundo Cassani rcassani

The Neuro, McGill University Montreal, Canada