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Chief Chief323
Curiosity is everything.
leopardracer leopardracer
Web3 + Ethereum Builder focusing on emerging markets ☕

Odesa, Ukraine

Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience

Baxter Spring ,KS

0xWyman 0x-3FFF
Life is the only path to death
Dinesh M DineshMN1
Tinkering with the thoughts of tech.

Chennai, India

Ian Carter Kulani Iankulani
I’m @Iankulani, a computer scientist passionate about innovation 🌍.

@Green-Innovative-Bank Mzimba, Malawi

Nick Ochiel nochiel
Why write poetry for humans, when I can instead write code for machines?
Tommy Tai tommy-tai


Deiby Mejia Ruiz elmaedesistemas
Software Engineer

San José, Costa Rica

Saymon Porras CtpN3m01
TEC | Ingeniería en Computación | Full Stack Developer | Web3 | Blockchain | Cybersecurity | Ethical Hacking | Open Source Contributor | Dojo Coding

Costa Rica

Santiago Villarreal Arley Villarley
Software Developer | Web3 enthusiast | OSS contributor

Santa Ana

Dr. J K Edwards josefkedwards
Distinguished (as Jarvis Collins would call himself) Prinicipal Memory Architect and Inventor of the Persistent Memory Logic Loop of the OpenAI Batch API

@The-Persistent-Memory-Logic-Loop @OpenAI Homosassa, FL

Chukwuma Emmanuel ebukizy1
Backend Engineer &Smart Contract Developer |Proficient in Java, JavaScript,Go, Spring Boot, Solidity |Passionate about building backend system and web3 solution
Parth Kapare ParthKapare
Code to goad greatness


Enes Can Işık themiralay
Back-End Engineer / Crawler Expert / Web3 Dev / Algo-Trade Dev /

0x0e0.eth Turkey

Katerina Williams katerinaw376
Indepedente Working class usa citizen ❤️ 💰

Ohio united state

cryptocole01 cryptocole01
copy paste coder ETH 0x18ED0c7ef91aDB5ccB744661E33440b21F76D711


Tommy Tai tommytai
unbothered, moisturized, hydrated

@affirm San Francisco

Amos Ehiguese amosehiguese
...let's build it!😊


Jeffrey Laederach JeffreyLaederach
Mechanical Engineering Student

@vexergy Cortlandt Manor, New York

Luna lunaaa01


Yulia andgrace
Looking for talents in fintech, HFT & crypto #rustlang #rust #solidity #web3 #hiring

NDA Spain

Juan Diego Carballo juandiegocv27
Software Engineer | Blockchain Developer | Cloud Computing Enthusiast

Costa Rica