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Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University Ithaca

Katrina Ager katrinaager
Research Engineer at Helmholtz Munich
Hyesu Lim hyesulim
Ph.D. Student, Artificial Intelligence, KAIST


Laurin Luttmann LTluttmann
Research assistant and PhD student, mostly working on neural combinatorial optimization and graph representation learning

Leuphana University Hamburg

Paul Pommer ppommer
NeuroAI Research Engineer @dynamical-inference lab • Software Engineer @ki-macht-schule

@dynamical-inference @ki-macht-schule Berlin

Steffen Schneider stes
PI @dynamical-inference lab | ML&stats for life sciences | Co-Founder @ki-macht-schule & @kinematik-ai | ex-@google PhD fellow, ex- @facebookresearch

@dynamical-inference @ki-macht-schule @kinematik-ai Munich

Lilly May Lilly-May
Bioinformatics Student @ TUM and LMU. Student researcher @dynamical-inference, @theislab, and @comp-neural-circuits.

Munich, Germany