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Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Khalil Charfi [CHECK24] kcharfi24
Sachversicherungen - IT Fahrradversicherungen

@phpanatic Frankfurt am Main

Maxence COLMANT maxencecolmant
Intership Cloud DevOps Consultant @ekino ☁️. @ContainerAddict 🐳

Ekino Paris

Clément Creusat ccreusat
Senior Frontend Engineer

Ornikar France

tollr tollr

Brest, France

Héla Ben Khalfallah helabenkhalfallah
Hello! I'm Héla Ben Khalfallah. I'm a software engineer with a wealth of experience in web solutions, architecture, frontend, FrontendOps, and leadership.

helabenkhalfallah France

Lucas Lampietti lampietti
Mobile CTO @ ekino.

ekino. France

Adrien AdrienPoua
Développeur Frontend

Ile de france, France

Jay JΩyε 2j0ye

Bordeaux, France

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
David DIVERRES comxd
DevOps, Google Cloud, Google Workspace, e-business solutions, SaaS, PHP, JS, Symfony, Node.js, React. Self-employed ⭐

@comexpertise Paris/Nantes/Bordeaux (France)

Nerko Nerko69

WebProgress.Net, Inc. Chicago, IL