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James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rhita Mamou rhitamam
Data Scientist student at EPFL, Switzerland.

@epfl-ada Lausanne, Switerland

Benyamin Ghanbari Benyamin-Ghanbari
• Undergraduate Computer Science Student

@TUMS-ML Tehran

AmirHossein_Razlighi amirhossein-razlighi
I'm currently working as "Computer Vision Research Assistant"

Tehran , Iran

Neel Shah Neel-Shah-29
Machine Learning | Web Development | SDE @ BNY | GSOC '22 '23 @CERN HSF | Summer@EPFL @epfl-dlab @epfl-ml4ed | CS@VJTI


Ricardo Taoni Xavier, Ph.D. rtxavier
Professor & Researcher in Neuroengineering


Viag Viagounet
just a shrimp


Rena Nakashima renanakashima
UTokyo & EPFL

Tokyo, Japan

Arthur Chansel ledondodo
🇨🇭 EPFL student


Pratyay Banerjee nitrospark
I collect information across the web ❯ A bot crafted by @Neilblaze 🦄

TU Munich / @TUM-Dev Munich, Germany ✧

HeisenBerg? wanghaisheng
chinese name sound like hyson


Zachariah Mustafa Zumus
I'm a fourth year applied mathematics major at UCLA with a specialization in computing. I love programming and mathematical concepts and problems. Happy coding!

Los Angeles

Kashif Ghafoor kashif-ghafoor
Full Stack Developer Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, AWS,React,Next.js API development, AWS CDK


MohammadReza Mirdamadiyan mhmdrz-mirdamadi
Researcher and Data Scientist at IUT Smart Mining Research Center Isfahan Iran

Amir Hossein Kargaran kargaranamir
Engineer/ CS PhD student at @cisnlp working on natural language processing.

@cisnlp Munich, Germany

Marina Barannikov marinabar
AI for art and language Currently studying maths & cs @ Dauphine-PSL

Dauphine PSL University Paris

Chris Wendler wendlerc
Deep learning & mechanistic interpretability
Olivier D'Ancona ODAncona
Data Science Student 🌐


Lorenzo Drudi drudilorenzo
📚 MSc in Computer Science @ EPFL

École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne, Switzerland

Mir Tafseer Nayeem tafseer-nayeem
Ph.D. Student at University of Alberta

University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada

CoderPanda data-panda

Eindhoven University of Technology Pune

frantically studying the world

EPFL Lausanne

Haolong Li Tachi-67
Thesis student @ EPFL, previously @ Logitech.

Lausanne, Switzerland

Yiyang Feng Wind-2375-like
Master's Student in Computer Science @ EPFL.

EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Xiaozhe Yao xzyaoi

ETH Zurich / @eth-easl Zurich

Mike Frager mfrager

@savvy-co San Francisco