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Pedro Simão pedrosimao
Everything automated !

Lisbon, Portugal


Mettur, TamilNadu

Henry Ceresetti hceresetti
👨🏻 Age: 22 y.o. 👨🏻‍💻 IT Technician in Service Desk Team (Aug. 19, 2024 - present). 🏗️ OT Technician in Automation Team (Oct. 09, 2023 - Aug. 16, 2024).

Santos Brasil Participações SA Santos, São Paulo, Brazil

Wemerson Silva wemersonblend
Lovesick Developer!

4YouSee Belo Horizonte

Peter Rose PeterTheDeveloper
The computer is mightier than the pen, the sword, and usually, the programmer.

New York, NY

Usman Yunusov usmanyunusov
Software Engineer (Frontend)

Yulda Moscow

free software enjoyer, security enthusiast, aspiring neovimmer

maintainer @regresado 404

Pavel Jacko pavjacko
Making humans efficient @flexn-io

Flexn Netherlands