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OSINT Tactical C3n7ral051nt4g3ncy
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Tactical Osint Academy

Caity Croft caitycroft
Artist Musician // Masters Student @nyu @ITPNYU IMA Lo Res @nyushima - Studying the Intersection of AI, MR/XR/AR/VR, Music, Gaming, Education, Blockchain

New York

Aurélien Bénel benel

Troyes University of Technology Troyes, France

Olivier Le Deuff oledeuff
Full professor in information science and communication studies/ digital humanities

Bordeaux Montaigne University Bordeaux

KaliMerO666 KaliMerO666

@Book-O-Matic Nowhere, Ok

Tom Mrt tom-mp4
Web developper, videomaker, designer.

Paraleclypse Bordeaux, France

Rouffi Rouffi
Creative Technologist, Design Researcher & CogLab, NeuroTechX Paris founder

@inno3 @SCogLab @neurotechx @af83 Paris, FR

tam kien duong taniki
jack of all `pd.DataFrame`; master of `np.nan`

@mediapart Paris

Matthieu Caruel mcaruel

Université Paris-Est Créteil

Aimee Wamibee
Please leave this code in a better state than you found it.


Noam V pvergain
