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liuxingxun XXLiu-HNU
My name is Liu Xingxun. I am currently pursuing a doctorate degree at the School of Electrical and Information Engineering of Hunan University.

Hunan University Changsha, China

A Robot Engineer


Hayden Jenkins hjenkins04
Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with a specialization in software design at Queen's University. Experienced in software development t
fgmn fgmn
A melancholy programmer

Sun Yat-sen University GuangZhou, China

Vishal tirpudevk111
Robotics & AI | Autonomous Drones
Falling in love with Robotics~ State estimation, SLAM


Jack Huang zauberresonator
Chicagoan by upbringing, education, and outlook. Passionate about optical chips, deep tech, and markets. Please reach out if you are like-minded

Pale Blue Bot


4DAGE ZhuHai

QUAD maponarooo
UAV Designer

QUAD Drone Lab. Korea

Warren Wang ware-wang
A student in University of Science and Technology of China.


Louis Li Lurvelly
I still have lots more to work on...
Denis Ledkov votmA
Aerospace Engineer who explores unknown environments.
