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Antônio Nascimento Ninja1375
Hello! My name is Antônio Nascimento. I am a programmer with a passion for technology and web development.


Travis Southard travissouthard
Developer & Data Analyst at @CLSPhila. Executive Director at @CodeForPhilly. Formerly at @azavea.

Community Legal Services Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA, USA

Stelios Petrakis stelabouras
📱 Mobile app developer 🕹 Aspiring gamedev 🌊 I love water shaders

Breakpoint Mobile Greece

Jacek Wikiera jwikiera
Student @ 42 Lausanne.
Assayyaad | الصياد Assayyaad
مطور ألعاب | مبرمج أنظمة وأدوات | خبير دسكورد

@Tatwir-Alaab @Anthima-Alaab @DisQada @Markaz-Lisan

Edwin Chebii edcheyjr
A passionate software engineer who finds joy in well-crafted software solutions. JS Ninja | PHP/Laravel | Python. Aspiring Game Dev & Rust dev.

NeuralSight, AnagramTech

Schwäbisches Bauernbrot SchwabischesBauernbrot
The kind of bread that sticks in your throat.


John Riggles JRiggles
Hardware engineer turned software engineer. Working on Python, Aseprite extensions, webdev, electronics, etc.


Sierra Obi wasobi
Professional Thinker {Previous}: @rapid7 @fmglobal @moodysanalytics

University of Rhode Island

veganaiZe veganaize
🦋 👋 Is this software engineering ? 🦄 🤠


I am a young programer (17) who with my friends design video games. @mention Egggggggggggg
Aylin Gümüş aylingumus
Software Developer

Zaandijk, Netherlands

JMArts Design jmartsdesign
Artista e designer especializado em 2D/3D e Urban Sketching. Gosta de arte generativa e PenPlotter. Sempre explorar novas técnicas e ferramentas.
Erica Wagner ScienceHerWay
Erica/Vel/Science 🧬 She/Her 🦖 STEAM Nerd 🤖 Maker 🍄 Content Creator 🖥️ Game Dev 🖌️ Voxel Artist 🖨️ Making the game 3D Print Your Life


Efosa eoeefosa
👋 Hi, I'm Efosa 👨‍⚕️📱, a Full Stack developer with experience in Next js , React, Flutter, Express and mongodb

??? Edo State, Nigeria

Keiru kwiruu
dzam i can't code :3

balay sa gwapo

NikoSean NikoSeanPascual
Hello My Name is Niko Sean a young programmmer