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Emma Doyle emmeowzing
Lead DevOps Engineer @ SBE Vision

SBE Vision, Inc. Boston, MA

Alex Broughton Alex-Broughton
Postdoc at SLAC National Lab

SLAC National Lab/Stanford University

Paulina PaulinaLSST

V. Rubin Observatory

Rui-Zhi Li (李睿智) Astro-Lee
I am a graduate student in astrophysics.

Kunming, China

Sean MacBride seanmacb
Dark energy, gravitational waves, cosmology, instrumentation

University of Zurich Chile

Teddy JqRambo
I don't know KungFu.
Angelo Fausti afausti
Data Engineer at Vera C. Rubin Observatory.

AURA - Vera C. Rubin Observatory Tucson, AZ

Behnood Bandi BehnoodBandi

University of Sussex Brighton - UK

Han Zijian captainsoy
A postdoc at Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NIAOT, CAS). Major in Optical Engineering, Polarimetry

Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology, CAS Nanjing, China

Gregory S.H. Paek SilverRon

Seoul National University

Sandro Campos camposandro
Software Engineer @lincc-frameworks

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA

Nilct cparisel
happily working in the trenches of AI


Julien Nadeau Carriere JulNadeauCA

CubeSoft Communications Quebec, Canada

Steven Gough-Kelly steventgk
Astrophysics researcher studying barred galaxy secular evolution through simulation and observations.

University of Central Lancashire Preston, UK

Chris Wenneman wenneman

@slate-digital-org @lincc-frameworks Seattle, WA

eunheeko eunheeko

Seoul National University Seoul

Sabrina Marques SabrinaMarquesF
Frontend and backend developer. Systems Analyst and Developer in training. 🗡️


Michael Johnson MikeCCSSC

Columbus State University

Harshit Rai rai-harshit

Databricks, Inc. Seattle, WA, USA

Graduating in astrophysics. Currently working for @linea-it ( Member of @LSSTScienceCollaborations (


Cristina Andrade andra104
B.S Astrophysics B.S Physics - Engineering

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN

Mehmet Keçeci WhiteSymmetry
Physicist (Completed the dissertation phase of the Ph.D. in Physics) <M|ehme|t><K|eçec|i> #FreeGaza


Jennifer Sobeck jsobeck
System Scientist

Caltech IPAC Los Angeles, California

Paula Cáceres Burgos PauCaBu
PhD candidate. I <3 Black Holes.
Tomás Ahumada tahumada
Chilean astronomer, Postdoc @ Caltech


Brian Suhs bsuhs88
I am a cyber security researcher at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

University of Alabama In Huntsville Huntsville, AL

Nicolás González Figueroa nagonzalezf
Electrical Engineering senior degree student, UCSC

Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción Concepción, Chile

Hao Wang HaoWangAstro
I'm PhD student at Purdue University. I work on gamma-ray bursts, kilonovae and gravitational waves. I'm also interested in neutron star physics and cosmology.

Purdue University West Lafayette, IN, USA

Laud B laudb
*.js , *.py


Gabriel Missael Barco GabrielMissael
🇲🇽 @ 🇨🇦 | Cosmology and AI 🌌 | GitHub Campus Expert Alumni 🚩 | Physics grad student UMontreal 🍁 and Mila 🤖 | Volunteer Clubes de Ciencia Mx 🔬

Université de Montréal, Mila Canada

Sebastian Aranda Sanchez sebastian-aranda
Software Engineer. Interested in Astronomy, Machine Learning and Technology.

@lsst-ts Santiago, Chile

Marina M. Dunn marinadunn
Astrophysics PhD Candidate @ Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC)

Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain