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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Davide Speziali Spezialissimo
Passionate developer from Italy
Interested in distributed, scalable systems, FP , Web dev , OSS [email protected]

Accra, Ghana

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


dev kuyeol
# Hi there, I'm Kuyeol! 👋 Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm a passionate developer with interests in web development



Lunatech Rotterdam

Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Vineeth Vijayan vineethvijay7
Automating myself out ..
Dan Bondarenko DanBondarenko
I am a lifelong learner who has come to the conclusion that creating solutions by writing code is the most satisfying and fulfilling activity in life.


mohan msbomrel
Scala/Java/PHP Developer

@univapaycast Yokohama

Anas Abbal anasabbal
Self taught Software engineer fan (Assembly) Build from scratch !!!

NAS Maroc

cvs0 cvs0
Full-Stack Dev, Minecraft modding enthusiast.

@LockScript-Solutions Canada

Hamida Ashna hamida-ashna
Software developer | Full-stack Web developer

Kite Runner Kabul, Afghanistan

Redion Xhepa rodonal
Software Engineer(Profile under construction)

Camelot Mannheim

Shaqayq Darwazi shaqayq
I am a full-stack developer enthusiastic about learning new things. Skilled with Bootstrap, JavaScript(vanilla), React, Redux, and Node. Open to opportunities


Software Engineer | Development, Design, & Architecture | Building Click-and-Drag Kanban Tools with Redux Looking to my next challenge! 💯

Full stack engineer ✨ Tunisia

Vidal González-Pereira vidalgp


Nicolas Leroux pepite
Nicolas Leroux is Lunatech's CEO and owner. He is also a Scala, Java, Javascript, etc.. developer, architect and fixer.

Lunatech Rotterdam

Jasper Dijt jdijt

@lunatech-labs Delft - Netherlands

Jake Ortega jakeortega
Frontend Engineer

lunatech-labs Rotterdam

Cape Sepias | Martijn CapeSepias

CapeSepias Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Titouan PeuTit
Software Engineer.

Lunatech Rotterdam, Netherlands

Tobias Jonas jona7o
Computer Science Enthusiast, Co-Founder & CEO of @innFactory

@innFactory Rosenheim

Yabi yabets
Software Engineer

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Willem Jan Glerum wjglerum
Software Engineer

@lunatech-labs Delft, The Netherlands

Gokhan Ozturk codergo7
Software Engineer | Java | Spring Boot

Leuven, Belgium