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Toni Baglien tony-baglien
Aspiring Front End developer with too much free time

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Luiz henrique luizhslima
Full-stack developer at BRQ in São Paulo, Brazil.

São Paulo

Nguyen Phung chinguyen168

Magnolia CMS Ho Chi Minh

Jeffrey Cumpsty spartacus72
Full stack Developer who likes to jump out of planes for fun

Binary Computer Solutions

Matyas Angyal matyasjay
generic nerd | nvim enjoyer | father of two | husband to one

@onebeyond Zalaegerszeg, Hungary

Oskar bullshit
linux, docker, java, php, golang, spring-framework, kotlin, ISO27001, security, CI/CD, kubernetes, azure, aws, ovh, cloud native, agile .....

self employed Europe

William Moffett wmoffett
Software Engineer Greater Seattle Area

Nicholas Darko Brown Nicholas-Darko-Brown
Frontend Engineer

AmaliTech Takoradi