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Forum Standaardisatie Netherlands

Erik van Beek erikvanbeek
Partner Aiwos & GravityWP

Aiwos BV Netherlands

Daniel Kapitan dkapitan
Physicist-turned-data-scientist. Helping others to do more with data. Connecting machine learning with self-organisation. Pythonista.

Freelancer and educator in data science & AI @anthology-of-data-science, Fellow @eaisi Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Randhir Gulraj randh1r
Software Developer

The Hague, Netherlands

Florin Lacatus florinlacatus98

Alfazet Operations Amsterdam

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rosco Nap cloudrkt

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Jeroen Maatman jeroenma

Maatman & Van Rijn BV Netherlands

Robbert Bos robbertbos
AI Validation & Transparency at the Dutch Government + AI & Software Entrepreneur (a.o. @askanna-io)

@MinBZK Netherlands

Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Anne Jan Brouwer annejan
Started programming age 6, professionally since 2001 Now Head of Engineering @minvws Badger @badgeteam Hacker @IJHack @NURDspace @idiopolis @Hack42

@IJHack Netherlands

Bas basvandriel
Senior Python Developer, DevOps Engineer

@pixelsquare-nl Hulst

Sharlon N. Regales snregales
Backend Developer at Developers NL BV


Ron Roozeboom ronrooz

Uithoorn, Netherlands

Melchior Jonathan Kokernoot MelchiorKokernoot
BSc. Full-stack software engineer specializing in TALLstack development.

Up2Day Groningen, NL

Rein Schaap reinschaap

@specsnl, @minvws Groningen - The Netherlands

ICT, organization, finance and life: empowerment ignites! Strengthening individuals, and stimulating growth through optimism and pragmatism


Muha Ajjan iSWORD
Infrastructure & Backend

@StuDocu Amsterdam, ‮sdnalrehteN

Nikola Hristov NikolaRHristov
Founder & CEO 🧔🏻 @PlayForm ☁️

@PlayForm Sofia, Bulgaria

CS Student
# hashkeys
I write code. And markdown text. And I am quite quiet.
Nick ten Cate nicktencate

New Technology Consulting Den Haag, The Netherlands