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Tommy Lai whl83111
Frontend Developer (main in React), but also loved to programming in Python.

@SplashtopInc Taiwan




United Kingdom

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Nashville, TN

✠Crux_Sacra_Sit_Mihi_Lux✠ ✠Non_Draco_Sit_Mihi_Dux✠ ✠V.R.S.N.S.M.V.S.M.Q.L.I.V.B.✠ ✠Non nobis Domine nobis, sed nom ini tuo ad gloriam.✠

Artes do Sul Brasil

草色青青 cao7113
self up to share up

Shareup Beijing

Dmytro Zelenetskyi zemd
@IKEA, previously @gopuff, @Edgio (formerly @moovweb)

Ikea IT AB Malmö, Sweden

臼犀 kinglisky

朴朴 FuZhou, China

Nicola Centonze nicolacentonze
Creator of nuitral UI Suite - Senior Frontend Developer - UI / UX Design Enthusiast

Mr. APPs Rimini

John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
A developer who is obsessed with DevX and developing things to improve development experience. Does it halt?


Roy Ling royling

Shanghai, China

Ravindra Vairagi vaishnavravi33
FullStack Developer. Expert in JQuery, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular, ASP.NET, CSharp and SQL. Intermediate in Cross Plateform Application Development.


Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Salomão Candeiro c0nf1gur4t0r
Just admiring GitHub's wonderful atmosphere ◔ ⌣ ◔

@reactivee-on-github Brazil

Matthew Waldron waldronmatt

New York City Metropolitan Area, USA

Jits jits
Full-stack product developer. Lifelong learner. Educator. Building @FullStacksDev and more.

Brighton, UK

Smart Contract Engineer, Auditor
Henning Marquard heenning
SAP Consultant

inpeek GmbH Darmstadt, Germany

Mohi mohijalili
Talk is cheap, show me the code.

@appinioGmbH Berlin

Marco Beier wridgeu
Jack of all trades – master of none; ⠀⠀⠀ SAP ABAP Developer; Interested in Web-Development (SAP-/OpenUI5 and more)

Accenture DACH / awenɢ meᴅia Germany

Daniel Sousa danielfsousa

@MessageBird Brasília, Brasil

Busticated busticated

Busticated Portland, OR

anlex N anlexN
你们存在我温暖的心里,你们存在我深深的脑海里,你们存在我美丽的精神世界里。 you are always in my warm heart, you are always in my deep mind, you are always in my beautiful spirit world.
Vít Rozsíval rozsival
👨‍💻 Senior Software Engineer @ApiTreeCZ

@apitreecz Prague, Czech Republic