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Baiel bmuzuraimov

Hong Kong

Vihan Perera vihanpereraux
Web Developer, Computational Artist & Generative AI Pervert 🚩

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Vołha Sakaloŭskaja devolha
Programming enthusiast, developing projects for hands-on learning.


Martin MrMjau

Bærum, Norway

susan wangui wainaina susan11231222
Full-Stack Developer passionate about building scalable, intelligent web applications and solving real-world problems through innovative technology.


Maciej Mężyk mcjmk
Undergrad CS and AI student at AGH UST.

Krakow, Poland

223880⚡️ 22388o
Junior Timechain Engineer on ₿itcoin/Lightning Network / Cryptography/Nostr

@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @FrostDevKit Bitcoin / Lightning Network / Nostr

1145141919 aZhai-pixel
Kavija Seneviratne KavijaSen
rm -rf / Life


Duncan Joly duncanjoly13

UMN Networking Research Group | UMN Small Satellite Research Laboratory Minneapolis

Iaroslav Sheptykin yariksheptykin
<3 code

awesome team neusta Bremen, Germany

₿yte Assembler byteassemble
Working on blockchain industry since 2018. Love to contribute and share ideas. Very active on telegram and whatsapp.
Arnob Miah imarnob45
Bonjour :3

BRAC University Bangladesh

iceink ice-ink
It took me ten years to find the answer to something, I forgot about in two seconds.
Bruno Caruso brunocaruso
#CSS #PHP #Java



Etrexio İstanbul

Tiny Archives TinyArchives
We design and build adaptable Archives Tech solutions for web and mobile (in production), AI, iOS, spatial computing and permaweb (on roadmap)

Tiny Archives Planet Earth

Md. Rafeul Islam Rafe rafeul19
🚀💡 Relentless explorer of technology, ⚡ From a single spark ✨ to a blazing fire 🔥—coding, creating, and conquering 🚀 with every keystroke. 💻⚡


João Vítor jvvppereira

Blumenau, SC, Brasil

Djenifer Muck djenimuck
Hi. I'm Djeni. I like games, music and programming! Passionate about code, problem-solving & continuous learning. Internet explorer (not the browser!)


untitled-dev untitled-dev-hash
I am a person who is interested in development
Dr. Matthew, PhD thefutureismatthew
Dr.'s Tasheda J. and Matthew H. Leonard-Hayselden, MD's COO and Executive Director, WoLL -'Way of Light Love' Inventors, 'theFuture' 'NANA Tribal Nation'

Way of LightLove Redding, CA

Ricardo Vitorino rjvitorino
Product Manager | Python & GIS for smart cities | Driving software solutions globally | 🌐 hello [at] ricardovitorino [dot] com

Ubiwhere Coimbra, Portugal

Henry Kim htk2506
Supposedly a Software Developer
Gazi Nahian Gazi2050
Web Developer

Chattogram, Bangladesh

Nick B. Pyrobrick

The Netherlands