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Daniele Lozzi danielelozzi
Graduate in Neuro/Cognitive Psychology - PhD student Information and Communication Technology @UnivAQ

University of L'Aquila L'Aquila

Théotime Fehr Delude theotimefd
PhD student - Anomaly detection & MR Fingerprinting @nifm-gin - Grenoble Institut Neurosciences


Antoine Barrier Tooine
I'm a French postdoc in Medical Imaging

Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences @nifm-gin Grenoble

Thomas Boulier tomboulier
BS, PhD in applied mathematics. Anaesthesiology and intensive care intern. Interested in both oh these 2 worlds: using computer science to improve healthcare.

CHU Grenoble Grenoble, France

Shambhavi Aggarwal agg-shambhavi
MEng at McGill University

Montreal, Canada

Thomas Coudert ThomasCoudert
Postdoctoral Researcher - UCLA

David Geffen School of Medicine Los Angeles