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K. Cihan Sipahi bcrtvkcs
computer's own mouse 🖱

KCS Software Istanbul

Signar Kamparås Zingo21
Student at the University of Skövde


Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

Eikonsphere Eikonsphere

AnjaliCodeCrafter Anjali211003
You can find me exploring the latest web design trends, experimenting with new frameworks. I'm always eager to learn and collaborate with fellow developers.


Nadiyar Naadiyaar
Computer science student and Java developer

West of Iran

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


xman¹ xman-lab

Garron Clark CybergcC
Happy person that doesnt give up . And loves to coding .

Gksol Kansas City , MO

nomad nomadicloudz
i do stuff, some times music. čsv.


Yuta Kobayashi yutakobayashidev
High school students interested in open government, mental health, and journalism


Catherine Nelson KatN369

CAN-DO Services Iowa, USA

Miguel Manzano García mmanzano
Developer. ❤️ Laravel. Let's build something awesome. Murcia, España

मंदार पाटकर itspatkar
Cyber Security Enthusiast | Laravel Developer

Credility, Mumbai Bharat

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Isak Rehle IsakRehle

Stockholm, Sweden

Chelbi Denny Moi0
30-16N-01W & 31-16N-01E 39-16-2W

Bearly Rustic Est. and/or Country Real Estate Inc. 30-16-01 31-16-01 39-16-2 17234 SE Crowder Rd & 17234 Northcraft Rd Tenino, ca.

François J. squew
I like programming language dsgn, building critical systems and platforms, NLP and rev. Engineering :) Master in CS from UCLouvain.
