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Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Lovepreet Singh Jassal lovepreetjassal
Software Developer

Sagenet Toronto,Ontario

MD - TBS MirandaDyck
Silo busting, bureaucracy whisperer focused on breaking down barriers to service excellence & digital transformation.

TBS ottawa

Ben Hovinga benhovinga
Somebody who likes to tinker in their spare time 😃

St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada

Rielly Young deepwaterpaladin
data stuff @ TC

@tc-ca Canada

Konstantin Sivakov tino097
Use the pdb, Luke!

@datHere @SloboData @salsadigitalauorg World

Robin Millette millette
I've contributed to hundreds of projects. You're welcome.

Beloeil, Québec, Canada

Mathieu Haché hachemathieu

Montréal, Québec, Canada

Steve Martin marberts
Using economics and data science to measure the economy.

Statistics Canada Ottawa, Canada

Steven Zarichney Zarichney

Zarichney Development North Bay

Bruno Willenborg BWibo

LIST Eco GmbH & Co. KG Munich, Germany

Xinli Cai xinli-cai

Natural Resources Canada Ottawa

Steven Leung stevenleung2018
Wildlife Application Specialist at ECCC | Application Modernization | Information Management | @UBC-MDS | Python | R | SQL | PMP

Environment and Climate Change Canada Delta, BC, Canada

🔓 Open Data & 🌍 GIS Developer
Alexander Ikpeama alexUd01
Software Developer | C | Python | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Bash | Linux


Matthew S Giancola Emperor42
Certified IBM Cybersecurity Analyst with a passion for finding and customizing open source software. B.Eng, Software Engineering, Concordia University, 2022

Azzurro Technology Inc. Niagara, ON, Canada

Joey Cadieux drjoeycadieux
Programmer, Security Hacker, Software Developer & Consultant.

Dollard des Ormeaux,QC

EM Greeff modster
“If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” – Sun Tzu Calgary

Dominique Charles dominiquecharlesECCC
Gestion de l'information pour une science plus ouverte et plus efficace

Environnement et changement climatique Canada Montréal, QC

Anuar Ustayev (aka Anu) anuveyatsu
Technical lead at @datopian co-steward of @ckan

@datopian Almaty, Kazakhstan

Mark Pitblado mark-pitblado
Personal account. Data enthusiast with a passion for open-source.

Beaty Biodiversity Museum Vancouver British Columbia