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Felipe Bravo Felipe-Bravo
Integro métodos cuantitativos en la Ingeniería Forestal para un mundo mejor | máster DATAFOREST Catedrático de Planificación Forestal

iuFOR-Universidad de Valladolid Palencia, España | Spain

Arun arun5628
Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Christopher J Brooks chrisjbrooks
Data Analyst at Flowminder Foundation

@Flowminder United Kingdom

Micha 2mjlux
Works on a forestry toolbox.


lollocenne lollocenne
👨‍💻 Aspiring Software Engineer | 🎓 Student | 🚀 Passionate about coding, especially in Python! | 🧠 Always learning and building new things to grow my skill

Student Rome

Éléonore Eleonore9

@Elle-est-au-nord Europe

Serge Stinckwich SergeStinckwich
Computer Science PhD, Head of Research @UNU-Macau #complexsystems #AI #DomainSpecificModeling #ICT4D Sustainable Development Goals

@UNU-Macau Macau

Julieta Millan JuliMillan
Biology, data science and open science

La Plata, Argentina

Vincent delwwwinc
remote-friendly designer and developer digging into resources management and distributed systems, asynchronous agency and adhocracy 🧱 🌐 🌿

@argil-data Spaceship Earth

Najah Pokkiri najahpokkiri
Data Scientist working in the earth observation industry


Diego Arenas darenasc
DataScientist and MachineLearnist.


samson tsegaye samson2013

EFD Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Sheila sheilasaia
Environmental data scientist studying the intersection of climate change, people, and water.

Tetra Tech Durham, NC

JairDBC jairdbc

BioDataFinTec Brazil

Rhiannon Rognstad rlrognstad
Hello, I am a quantititive ecologist and geospatial data scientist.

DC Metropolitan Area

Andres Leonardo Becerra Lopez LEONOB2014
Hydraulics and hydrology to live. Certified TensorFlow Developer | GCP Professional Data Engineer and ML Engineer | Google Developers ML Bootcamp LATAM 2022.

Hydraulic Engineer Colombia

Jonathan Chemla jo-chemla
CTO @Iconem Playing with 3D, Cartography, Web, GIS etc

Iconem Paris

wildflowers315 wildflowers315
GIS developer, Machine learning, Deep learning. Forest monitoring. REDD+. UNFCCC.
This is the SERVIR Science Coordination Office Geospatial IT Team account


Pulakesh Pradhan pulakeshpradhan
where focus goes, energy flows
Dyn Grib DynoG
Software Engineer

Environmental Research Center Annaba, Algeria

Franklin franklinp1975
R applied to large-scale drought monitoring

Randbee Consultants Venezuela

Zivan Karaman zivankaraman
Data Science & Engineering Consultant - Using mathematics, statistics, and computing to distill complex data into actionable insights.

Freelance France

Iskar Waluyo iskarwaluyo
Independent researcher and data scientist PhD Student Spatial Sciences Institute USC

SigData Puebla