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Agustin Vera Agustin-Vera

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago, Chile

Willian R Angelo movibe
📱 Fullstack Developer, i try 🤓 Best Stack: TypeScript, Expo, React, React Native, Ionic, Flutter, NodeJS, Design System and much more

Agencia Foccus São Paulo - Brasil

Algernon AlgernonHolmes
Software Engineer Student. I ain't an A. I., for sure.
Paloma Zepeda cukidev
Software Engineer Student.

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago de Chile

Florencia IT Recruiter FlorenciaRecruiter
Lic en Psicologia Especilizandome en reclutamiento y selección de personal IT. Envianos tu cv a [email protected]
OSUSACH Deployments osusach-deploy
An account to deploy osusach projects on Vercel !
Alvaro Valenzuela Alfaro avalenfaro
Fullstack Software Engineer and B.Sc. student in Computer Science, Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). @diinf

Santiago, Chile

Felipe Cubillos A. felipec03
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil Informática en la USACH.

Santiago, Chile

Giuseppe Cavallieri GiuseppeCavallieri
Estudiante de Informática 🤖
Miguel Villalobos MotherJammer
Software Engineer | QA Specialist | UX/UI Designer | DevOps

Santiago, Chile

Sebastián Cassone sebacassone
Software Engineering Student.

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Chile

Byron Caices ByronCaices
Founder @UsachPremium

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Chile

Fabián Lizama FabianLizama
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil Informática

Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Lucas Mesías Skyrdow
Estudiante de Ingeniería Informática USACH [email protected]


Bastián Escribano Vastyen
Software Engineer

@Salcobrand Santiago, Chile.

Cinder Quartz charagender
heyo! software engineering student

Santiago, Chile

[email protected] ariel-madrid
Computer Engineering Student. 21 years old.

Santiago, Chile.

Esteban Lopez Garrido ealopezg
CSE Student at USACH

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago de Chile

Ignacio Solar solarc3
info usach

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago, Chile

AlephZer0 4lephZer0
FullStack Dev. Specialized in ReactJS, Springboot & Python. Learning other languages to specialize :)

Santiago de Chile

Andres Zelaya Opsord
Fullstack developer & Software engineering student.

University of Santiago Chile

Pipetboy pipetboy2001
computer and informatics engineering student at the University of Santiago de Chile

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago,Chile

John Serrano PodssilDev
6 year (Civil) Software Engineer student. Currently in final semester. Studying at Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Santiago, Chile

Cristóbal Quezada Cristobal-Quezada-N

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago, Chile

Aylin Castillo cvstleee
22 years, student of computing engineering

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Chile

Alonso Sanhueza AalSaa
Salsa y picante.

Santiago, Chile

Agustín Covarrubias agucova
I do a bit of everything, but nothing especially well.

Santiago, Chile

Joaquín Saldivia Klefur
Software Engineering Student

Universidad de Santiago de Chile Santiago, Chile