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Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

Steve Replogle StewedDownSteve
I'm a software engineer, specializing in full-stack web development. I come from a project management and sales background.

Full-Stack Web Developer, Good & Local Web Studio Oregon

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Sergio Prada seprab
Leveling up!

Unity Technologies Colombia

Monet Fort lunarfusion
Design technologist / interactive designer / motion designer / front-end developer / artist. I design, build, and maintain front-end code and design systems.

Atlanta, GA

Jordan Kay jordanekay
Mac/iOS Engineer at the College Board. Developer and owner @Fleuronic LLC.

College Board Philadelphia, PA

David Hepworth DHepworth
👋🏻 Hello! I like working to make the internet better. ∅ I’m a frontend web developer and designer with a focus on UX.

Hobby Lobby @hobbylobbystores Oklahoma City, OK

Brian Wo brainwo
Currently interested in enhancing Flutter desktop ecosystem. Doing @sukimasystem in my free time.
developer(for: [web, macOS, iOS], mainLang: [PHP, Swift])

feingestalten webdesign Germany

Christopher Pollati AmigaAbattoir

Abattoir Software Howell, NJ, USA

Ruchida Fai
Software Engineer with curious mind and interested in innovation.


Yuan, Jun mediter
available for hire

Beijing, China

ryan dushane ryndshn
app dev, kettering alum

ann arbor, michigan

Dandev dandev10
norwegian C programmer.


pbnkp pbnkp
Coding is how we create and manage a world that’s out of control with rules. Create your own with simplicity in your design.
Bentley Hensel TheBoatyMcBoatFace
Sr. Data & DevOps Engineer 🚂 💨at @CivicActions who is also running for Congress @HenselForCongress 🗳️

@CivicActions Arlington, VA

Steven Adam stevenaadam
I am a Professional Software Developer.

Inventpure Toronto

Andrew Seago andrewseago
MacOS Client Engineer and 3D Printer Geek

SF Bay Area

Chriztian Steinmeier greystate
Frontend Developer at @vokseverk - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XSLT & Umbraco are my main weapons 🚀 Umbraco MVP 2013 & 2018, renewed MVP in 2019 through 2024

Vokseværk - @vokseverk Aarhus, Denmark

Stefan VanBuren stefanvanburen

@bufbuild Ipswich, MA

Dustin Murdock MurdockDM
Full Stack Python and Javascript graduate of Nashville Software School. I previously worked for 8 years in several medical laboratories.

Franklin, TN

J. Blake Harris jblakeh1
Most of the code I am storing here is for art projects, usually based on Arduino, Circuit Python, or Python on SBCs.
Yannik Bloscheck yannikbloscheck
Designer & Developer

Ennigerloh, Germany

Matt Reynolds psstmatt
Vaproware salesman of the year 🏆

Meta, Uber, Expedia, & Boeing. The internet

Joe Ross joeross
Civil litigation lawyer. Interested in the collision of law & tech policy. Prone to geekery.

Princeton, NJ, USA

nikeedev nikeedev
I'm a teenager boy which loves coding. I code different software, I’m a self taught developer and upper 2ndary school student. I mostly code in different langs

student under a tree 🌲

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Mitchell Knight mitchellknight
Art Director / Designer

We Are Knights Kennesaw, Georgia

Emran Ramezan EmranMR
Full-Stack Engineer

Glasgow, Scotland

David Wright ritey
PHP Laravel developer

Coder Studios UK

zcj 25zcj01
may the command line live forever || 1312

Villa Straylight

Tim Kaechle kaechle
AI Engineer | Designing Intelligent Systems

Freelance Guarapari, Espirito Santo, Brazil

Jason jquaglia
Software Engineer | Inquisitor

Software Developer @ FileOpen Systems Seattle, WA