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dddrop dddrop

Tokyo, Japan

Minh Phát tmphat1312
i'm off

Long An, Vietnam

Saud Hussain saudhussain
Software Developer


Arvind Prajapati arvind5588 Thane, Mumbai

Ankur Datta ankur-arch
I love types! I work as a Developer Advocate@Prisma and have a knack for ML. a.k.a pro-gra-ma

@prisma Dhaka

Vivek Rp vivekrp
Co-founder at Get Started (

@getstartedindia Bangalore, India

Ilman Manarul Qori madun

Bandung, Indonesia

Harshith Gowda harshithgowdakt

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Eldy Yuda Kurniawan eldyyuda
Practice doesn't make perfect, but makes improvement. Full Time Coding, Part Time on Cyber Soon


Maykhel De Leon maykhel-deleon
AI Builder at BIKAL Tech UK

Bikal Tech UK United Kingdom

Nathan Lloyd Ward wardnath

FedEx Dataworks Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Erik Horváth erikh3

VisionCraft Czech Republic

Anshu S. (Sudhanshu) sah-anshu
Python & PHP Developer, Linux Administrator CTO @RemotiQ

RemotIQ Pty Ltd Pune

iilei • jochen preusche iilei
Hamburg, Germany

Hamburg • Germany

Chanho Kim ifNotErrorRun
System Engineer|株式会社RSP|Japan

株式会社RSP (@ReliableSpecialPartner) Tokyo, Japan

Python斗罗 cpython666
编程启航,let code fly~ 为万万同行者少走弯路,助力千万逐梦者向梦启航~ 漫漫星程,你我同行!

编程学习公众号【Python斗罗】 China

Luan Kevin Ferreira luankevinferreira
Senior Software Engineer

@viafoura Brazil

Abhishek abhishekmishragithub
Learning & build errors 📖 🧮

Mumbai || Chennai, India

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Luis Enrique Henry1417
Full-Stack Developer Java (Spring Boot) | JavaScript (Angular, React) | SQL


IT Sec Data Scientist@inlyse. Learning, Unlearning and Relearning.
Andres Kasekamp AndresKasekamp
Working with GIS

Estonian Land and Spatial Development Board Tartu, Estonia

Rajiv Mounguengue Rajivhost
let success = pain |> hardWork

FunctionalStack, Inc. Brazzaville, Congo republic of

Nicolas Bossi nicobts
Product and Project Manager - IT Infrastructure & Security Administrator

Trieste, IT

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Jean Leao JeanLeao
Graduated in Computer Science 👨‍💻 FullStack


Eric Berens ericberens
Superhero; Powered by Unicorn Tears; Player of Keeps; Winner of Races; VP of Stuff & Things; Full-stack Software Engineer. Based in Brooklyn, NY.

New York, NY

Fabricio Aguiar fao89
Software engineer, always seeking to speed up tasks through automation.

@RedHatOfficial Porto, Portugal