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Manjit Kumar manjitkumar
Software Engineer with a decade-long experience in building and scaling web applications for high-growth startups and enterprise companies.

@rayatheapp Toronto

Harriet hxrriet02
Co-founder and software developer at @everbit-software along with @Soup666

Everbit (@Everbit-Software) Lincoln, UK

marcoyan0814 marcoyan0814


Muhtalip Dede muhtalipdede
Software Developer


Petr Drahoš Filip petrsvetr123lol
DBA (IBM Db2 for z/OS), Linux administrator and IoT enthusiast

Kyndryl Czech Republic

Báñks Øffiçiàl banks021
Join me now

banks limited Mbale

Milind Mishra thatbeautifuldream
Software Engineer with a nag for Design

Bangalore, India

Ava Whale Niceygy
Hallo! I'm Niceygy, but call me nicey (nice-ee) / Maker of PowerPlayAssistant & Architect's Notepad / Also at @UFO-Studios / 🏳️‍⚧️ She/Her

@UFO-Studios /home/nicey/

Cham chamrun
Software Engineer
Wendel G. Santana W3SS
Software developer since 2012, focused on low-level programming, compilers, and software architecture. Enthusiastic about AI, video games, and tech innovation.

Sorocaba,SP - Brasil

Giang Nguyen jangnh
Build in public

Ho Chi Minh