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Mario JMario16


Wahab Yousif wahabu
I am industrial engineering and I graduated Master degree in "INFORMATION SCIENCE & ENGINEERING"

AVC Technology Japan - Osaka

Barbara Blois bblois91
Sou Bárbara Blóis, formada em Logística e Gastronomia, com forte interesse em programação em Python. Busco aprender coisas novas, e desafios que me permitem cre
abdelrahman elhossini Abdelrahmanelhossini
Full-stack developer with a focus on .NET, C#, and SQL with ability to learn new technologies and are interested in Microsoft stack
Muhammed Aslam Shah S muhammedaslamshah
MERN Stack Developer | Entrepreneur, and visionary leader. Founder & CEO of Newwesterlund Custom Designs and Sales Manager at Sofoland Skincare.

Newwesterlund Custom Designs

MI1412 MI1412
I am a web developer


Emre Şimşek EmreSimseek

Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi Bursa

Vortigern (Matthew) Vortigern-The-Grey
A Coder with a Gun. Because even Programmers run out of snippets.
Aldair Avelino AldairAvelino
Tech enthusiast skilled in crafting innovative solutions for web and mobile. Adaptable and always leveling up. 🚀


João Victor jungle34

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Aadi golok727

Rei-HQ ☀️

Thaddeus Opiola Thaddeus919
Automotive embedded software engineer.
S Tharun ThatCuriousTechGuy
BE QUIET BUT NOTICE EVERYTHING Developer | Tech Guy | Student Interested In Physical Sciences Feel Free To DM ME


Mandip Amgain Mandip77

Northeastern University

Ramji Dhruw ramdhruw21
Java | Android | Kotlin


Yuvraj Singh Yuvi9934
I am a coder. Loves mathematics and physics. Very Curious.
