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Amon Cheruiyot AmonCheruiyot
Software engineer | Full-Stack Developer | Tech Innovator | Cyber security enthusiast

Nairobi - Kenya

Darcy Ye darcyYe

Beijing, China

Stephen Mwau MwauStephen
A Front-End Developer who likes to code for the web both front end and backend languages.

TechSpace Nairobi

samsimsom samsimsom
3D Character Artist & Modeler

samsimsom istanbul / Turkey

Ernst Salzmann etangreal
ErnstSalzmann(at) Berlin

Shigure Kurosaki kurosakishigure
Bookworm, Developer, Will to Power

@arghena Cupertino, CA

Melisa K. Savich m3lixir
Security Research Engineer
Richard Huang hqyhqyhq
The penguin in a stroll.

zc Wuhan Hubei

iukkeopaa iukkeopaa
Slow is fast and People who like to toss and explore
Razyl Vidal razylvidal
Junior Android Developer

Nueca Technologies Inc Philippines

Abdelaziz Elrashed vzool
الاحساس بالجهل نعمة | Feeling Ignorance is a Blessing


Oleksandr Budaiev
iOS software engineer at DNTL

DNTL Ukraine

Junwei Wang WangJunwei233
A student in School of Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Southwest Jiaotong University.

Southwest Jiaotong University No. 999, Xian Road, Pidu District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, China

Sengthai Te sengthaite

Cambodia, Phnom Penh

Kisan Majumdar kisanms
React-native Developer performing cross platform mobile developemt @expo @android @apple

Efsouls intern Surat, Gujarat

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ryan McCaffery mccaffers
Software Engineer building, tinkering and breaking code in C#, C++, Python & Swift
Aburrá Space aburraspace
architecture and design critic

National University of Colombia

Henricus Louwhoff hl
Father and software engineer. Love to shoot analogue film, bake and cook. Building apps using Elixir & Phoenix. Experimenting with Swift, Janet, and Rust.


Alex G KillskillsG
I'm a student of software development:)

Hidalgo ,México

Jacopo JacopoOrlandini
Bachelor degree in computer engineering at the University of Parma. Currently attending a Master Degree in Computer Science.
Rami Kader rkv0id
ai. deep. fast.

Peripheral Amsterdam, Netherlands