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Alex Grimes Alex-Grimes
I am a software engineer just looking make some cool things


jimmy dzungngnbh
🦀 Building web3 infra and defi trading system. Rust/Go/Typescript, eventually FP with Clojure(script)
Nyameow yumeshi0222


Nazar Hussain nazarhussain
Experienced programmer, technical designer and technology enthusiast. Exploring the blockchain industry since few years.

Berlin, Germany

Juntai Park arkjun
Software Engineer

@aendcorp Seoul, Korea

Marco Cabazal MarcoCabazal
swift (ios, macos), ruby (rails), ts/js (react, react-native, express), ruby!

Makati, Philippines

Mukharomdev mukharomdev
Coding for Fun ...


Mohamed Magdy m7madmagdy
Ruby on Rails Developer

1Trolley Egypt

Al alpalma95
Full Stack developer 🧑‍💻


Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Fahad AL Dalleel FahadProgrammer
Linguist & Programmer.

Sanomah Ltd UK

Yohei Yasukawa yasulab
Committer to @coderdojo-japan, @mitou, and @remote-jp. CEO @yasslab, where we develop & for those who learn web development! 🎓

@YassLab Inc. CASE Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan

Florent Drousset florentdrousset
I'm not superstitious, but I'm a little stitious.

(Nothing) Toulouse, France

Dave Shanahan dave-shanahan
Software Engineer & Pentester

United Kingdom


Aivomedia Finland

Basant saini Basant1Saini
Backend Dev. Movies, series, games (Chess, PUBG, GTA V), music (Punjabi & Rajasthani).

Not yet Jaipur, rajasthan

Takuya Takuya-Miyazaki
Takuya Miyazaki origin.

Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Alexander Veselov owlscatcher
👋 I'm an engineer and Ruby on Rails / C# developer in the largest reactor complex in Europe. Open for new proposals and interesting projects!

АО ГНЦ НИИАР Dimitrovgrad

Aislin Xuanluo-Qiu

IntMain Tokyo, Japan

Rabia Yılmaz Rabiayilmaz6
Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Bilgisayar Mühendisliği
Mark ionlylikemyfirstname
I make terrible projects!
UNU unu0
Maker, hard-core coder, blockchain explorer, almost serial entrepreneur and former science teacher. JS/TS, ROR. Python, C/C++/Java. Rust Fan.
rokhimin wahid rokhimin
Ruby & Rails Enthusiast

Surabaya, Indonesia

Graduate student at Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University

Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University Nanjing

Pouya Kary ✨ pouyakary
dragon's lover — towards new mediums.
さとしん satoshin-des
Affiliation: Second Year of Graduate School of Science in Rikkyo University. Major: mathematics, lattice theory. C++/ C#/ SageMath/ Python

立教大学大学院理学研究科 倭国

Denysov Maksym Javac-g
Software Engineer

Namecheap UK, London

yomi4486 yomi4486


Mehmet Ozgul mehmetozguldev
Web developer

Q Horizons Izmir, Turkey

Seth Landry Setland34
Super Global Administrator South Central United States

Braga DGBBraga
Software Engineer.

Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Farah Najib farah-najib
Software Engineer
