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Alex Luiz lexcibien

@Remofer-do-Brasil BRASIL

Alec Slomski aslomski

Opifex Technologies Erie, PA

Matheus Barbieri Munzi MathBM

Embedded Developer Systems at 8N1 South of Brazil

Phillip Hodges phillip-hodges-ncc
A Managing Security Consultant at NCC Group PLC.

NCC Group Plc Manchester, UK



Nima Azad abavi4
Embedded Developer mainly on STM32 microcontrollers


Squadquiz SquadQuiz
Electronics Hardware Designer, Embedded Systems Engineer and Noise Maker

Dexon Technology PLC (Thailand) Thailand

hilam hilam8899
I am a free man, I love embeded and C#
Christian Sargusingh ztnel

dcbel Montreal QC

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Steve stevebeale

Lincolnshire UK

Ivan Zorin ia
Just a regular curious engineer. Interests: embedded hardware, storage, network, radio, firmware, software & security, UX/UI & design.

@h0melab Sofia, Bulgaria

Marco marcoacsousa
Engineering - Automation and Automotive
Ralph Hightower RalphHightower
Software Developer C#, .Net, Photographer (35mm film, digital). Two final manned space launches: US half of Apollo/Soyuz Test Project, Space Shuttle STS-135

@Permanent-Vacations Chapin, South Carolina, USA

Divya Pujara Divyastra

Leicester Hackspace Leicester

Benedikt Müssig bmuessig
Embedded software and hardware developer and robotics enthusiast from Germany. Personal non-work account. LLM-free code. Hoping for peace ❤️🇺🇦.

Keysight Technologies Germany

A. Efe AKYAZI efe3535

Independent izmir / turkey

Lucas Martins Mendes Luctins
Firmware engineer. Messing with image processing and home labbing in my spare time.

São Paulo² - Brazil

bogdanstănese bog739
~ I am interested in all sorts of technical topics ~
Camilo Núñez Fernández camilo-nunez
BSc and MSc in Computer Science

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Santiago, Chile.